Session : 2023-2024
MBBS (Local)
As per Government order
* Pay order in favour of “
For overseas correspondent only :
MBBS (Foreigner)
A. 1. Admission Fee : US $ 24,250
2. Government & Dhaka University Registration Fee & others : US $ 4,000
To be paid at the time of
Admission Total US $ : US $ 28,250
B. Tuition
fee : Monthly 300
C. Internship
training allowance with
6 (six)
months from admission. (Internship
allowance is refundable) : US $ 4,000
D. Clinical
Training fee : US$ 300/- (three hundred) to be paid every year from 3rd
year to 5th year for the purpose of clinical training.
E. Field
visit / Study tour fee : 20,000/- (Twenty thousand BDT) to be paid in 3rd