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About Neuromedicine Department
A full fledged Neurology unit is running in the Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College & Hospital for more th5n ten years. There is Indoor and Outdoor facilities for the patients and academic activities for the undergraduate students.

Patients are admitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. Alongwith the Intern doctors, senior Residents are also on roster duty 24 hours a day and attend all new admissions and any calls from admitted patients. Professorial staff are also on call to attend to any emergency at any time.

Outdoor are run by the Professorial staff, assisted by the Registrar, Residents and Interns. Patients are seen on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Patients admitted in the ward are further followed up in the outdoor, anc thus continuity of care is maintained in chronic diseases like Stroke, Epilepsy and the different neuropathy and myopathy patients. A computerised data bank preserves the records of all patients under treatment of the unit.

There is an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in this hosp'±al and close co-operation is maintained between the Neurology unit and the ICU. Stroke patients who are very sick are admitted in the ICU and jointly, managed by both units. There is also a Neurosurgical unit in the hospital which co-operates with the neurology unit in management of any patient as required.

CT Scan is available 24 hrs a day, so stroke patients can be scanned immediately. All other routine investigations are also available at all times.

Students from 3'd year to 5th year attend Neurology lecture classes. There is also placement in the wards where bedside teaching with hands on training is practised by the students.

Manpower: The department is headed by a full tine in-house Professor. There is also an Assistant Professor, a Registrar and three Residents in the department. Interns are placed on rotation duty.

Professor and Head         - Dr. Quzmruddin Ahmad, MBBS, FCPS (Medicine).
Assistant Professor          - Dr. Nadira Sultana, V5135 MD (Neurology).
Registrar                        - Dr. Md. Ahosan Habib.
Residents:                     1. Dr. Syed Faravee Masud.
                                   2. Dr.. Nasiruddin.
                                   3. Dr. Md. Ahsanuzzaman Khan. 
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